On 19Jan24, Dave Lawrence apparently wrote:
> Mark Andrews writes:
> > It’s a couple of lines of code in a nameserver to support QCOUNT=0.
> > It will take more time debating this than it took to implement
> > support for QCOUNT=0.
> Miek Gieben writes:
> > yes, please, the amount of code that duplicates checks for
> > QDCOUNT!=1 is staggering, and that just in the Golang eco-system.
> Well now I'm really a lot more curious about this.

As always, the truth is likely somewhere in the middle.

Nearly two years ago on this very list I asked
about the
presence of QD=0 server cookies in the wild as I'd not seen any with a "from 
scratch" auth
server I was implenting and was wondering whether it was worth adding support.

I didn't get any positive responses but went ahead anyway since RFC7873 is 
Track. This server is written in go and uses Miek's excellent dns package
(github.com/miekg/dns) so I consider it part of the Golang eco-system. It's 
open source so
if anyone wants to verify the following, I can send a link.

As an exercise I just removed the QD=0 feature to see how much extra work it 
cost in the
original implementation. Here's the SLOC counts according to 

QD=0           Prod   Tests
Not supported  4252    4181
Supported      4288    4182
               ----    ----
Diff             36       1    
               ----    ----

This is somewhat misleading because with QD=0 support the defaultMsgAcceptFunc 
has to be
replaced with a custom function which is an exact clone of 
defaultMsgAcceptFunc() with one

   - if dh.Qdcount != 1 {
   + if dh.Qdcount > 1 {

So if we don't count this clone as *new* code, say if miekg/dns supported QD=0 
with a
feature flag, the actual SLOC changes to the server reduce to:

QD=0           Prod   Tests
Diff             36       1
Clone           -32
               ----    ----
                  4       1
               ----    ----

That is, 4 lines of production code and one additional row in a test-case 
table. In terms
of just the code related to validating and processing the inbound query, those 
4 lines
represent 1% of the ~430 lines of relevant code which itself represents 10% of 
complete server implementation.

It's also the case that the implementation worried about QD=0 from day one 
which gave it a
structural advantage of incorporating QD=0 into a standard logic flow. Existing
implementations which have to retrofit may incur larger structural costs.

You can spin this any way you want, so I'll let others draw their own 
conclusions. Before
doing so though, I'll finish with one other stat of interest. In those 
aforementioned ~430
lines of query validation, over 20% consists of conditionals! So on one hand, 
dealing with
QD=0 cost this implementation just one conditional; on the other hand, that one 
"if" lives
in a sea of other conditionals due to DNS complexity.


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