
Please find my comments below.

The draft introduces a new optional field PublicKey without providing a 
versioning mechanism - both current and new formats are retrieved from the same 
path. I have reviewed a few publicly available parsers and did not identify any 
obvious issues that could arise following the addition of the PublicKey element 
(implementations appear to key of element/tag names, concerns if any, could be 
memory management with the larger and unused PublicKey CDATA). I do not believe 
versioning is required on the understanding that IANA may revert to the 
previous version if necessary - there appear to be a few clients with 
operational dependencies on the file.

Looking ahead to the addition of the PublicKey element, we discussed whether to 
publish the PublicKey element for historical TAs and whether we would remove 
the PublicKey for future-historical TAs. While we have not formalized plans, 
can we assume these are operational decisions to be made by IANA? If so, does 
the draft require text to clarify that the PublicKey may be present for some 
KeyDigests and that the element may be removed if previously present?

A few editorial comments:

The introduction says:
This document describes the formats and distribution methods of DNSSEC trust 
anchors that have been used by IANA for the root zone of the DNS since 2010.
This is not quite true given a format with the publicKey element was not 
possible back in 2010.

The following sentence is difficult to read:
If the relying party is using a trust anchor that has a KeyDigest element that 
does not have a validUntil attribute, it can change to a trust anchor with a 
KeyDigest element that does have a validUntil attribute, as long as that trust 
anchor's validUntil attribute is in the future and the DNSKEY elements of the 
KeyDigest are the same as the previous trust anchor.

I think it can be removed entirely - text regarding duration of use is covered 
in a prior sentence - and I'm not sure what it adds. My problems with this are: 
1) one does not "change to a trust anchor" following the addition of a 
(future?) validUntil attribute - it is the same trust anchor; 2) the "it" in 
"it can change" is difficult to understand, in part because of the prior issue 
and because it is the validUntil that is changing; 3) DNSKEY elements is not 
defined - it should not be the (optional) PublicKey which is most definitely a 
DNSKEY element.

Section 2.4 Converting to DNSKEY records - A DNSKEY constructed from the 
KeyDigest will fail to match a published DNSKEY when the REVOKE bit is set - 
this doesn't create an issue for this protocol but may cause confusion during a 
rollover. It might be clearer to say something to the effect of the file does 
not provide values for DNSKEY protocol or flags - for the purpose of this 
mechanism, clients can assume valid trust anchors will be for protocol 3 and 
that the ZONE and SEP flag bits will be set.

James Mitchell
Director IANA Technical Services

From: Tim Wicinski <>
Date: Wednesday, June 19, 2024 at 9:34 AM
To: dnsop <>
Cc: dnsop-chairs <>
Subject: [Ext] [DNSOP] Working Group Last Call for draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc7958bis


The authors have updated the document based on some early reviews.  Since this 
is an update from the original RFC7958, I urge folks to take a look at the diff 
from the original:

This starts a Working Group Last Call for: draft-ietf-dnsop-rfc7958bis
"DNSSEC Trust Anchor Publication for the Root Zone"

Current versions of the draft is available here: 

The Current Intended Status of this document is: Informational

Benno will be the document shepherd

Please review the draft and offer relevant comments.

For WGLC, we need positive support and constructive comments; lack of objection 
is not enough.
So if you think this draft should be published as an RFC, please say so.

If you feel the document is *not* ready for publication, please speak out with 
your reasons.

This starts a two week Working Group Last Call process, and ends on: July 3rd, 


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