Hello Ondřej,

I am sorry for the long delay in responding to your concerns.

As you pointed out, post-quantum DNSSEC does present significant challenges, 
including critical operational considerations.  This is why the Verisign Labs 
team has been socializing the need for research and is supporting the recent 
proposal to form a new Post-Quantum DNSSEC RG (POQD) research group (see the 
side meeting – PQC DNSSEC Research).  The purpose of the research group is to 
study how DNSSEC can transition to the use of one or more PQC algorithms and 
provide a venue for that research within the IRTF and IETF.

The primary goal behind MTL Mode is to provide a mechanism that can reduce the 
operational impact of the post-quantum signature algorithms currently being 
standardized.  We are particularly interested in applying MTL Mode to the 
Stateless Hash-Based Digital Signature Algorithm (SLH-DSA) being standardized 
by NIST.  SLH-DSA’s conservative design, based on hash function security 
properties only, provides a solid foundation for long-term cryptographic 
resilience in infrastructure protocols such as DNSSEC.  
draft-harvey-cfrg-mtl-mode specifies the underlying cryptography and algorithm 
selection for MTL mode.  draft-fregly-dnsop-slh-dsa-mtl-dnssec applies MTL mode 
to DNSSEC.  We agree that both security and operational considerations 
motivated by your concerns (and perhaps protocol changes too) need to be added 
to both documents.

Managing the impact of malicious actors is already a concern for DNSSEC, 
independent of MTL mode.  Indeed, there are already scenarios in which a 
malicious actor can potentially cause other parties to perform extra work and 
significantly impact their ability to resolve DNS queries.  DNSSEC as it is 
defined today has documented several of these operational concerns, such as 
setting the inception and expiration values along with the TTL on the RRSIG 
records appropriately.  This important operational consideration (as described 
in RFC 6781) could be exploited by systems currently in operation, and while 
current signatures are small enough that this may be manageable, future updates 
with larger signatures would be a concern.  Validating resolvers do not have 
control over these parameters and detection of this in an existing system is 
dependent on factors like query rates to detect bad behaviors.   

We agree with the points you have made on attack scenarios for MTL mode.  A few 
general observations follow as a starting point for further discussion.

1.      An honest DNSSEC signer is expected for normal DNSSEC operation. An 
honest signer implementing MTL mode can reduce its operational impact by 
following practices such as signing DNS records in batches to reduce both the 
number of signatures and the computational impact of the underlying signature 
algorithm (e.g., SLH-DSA) on both the signer and the verifier.  A preferable 
batch size and the timing of batch generation will likely depend on specifics 
of the zone file and the frequency of updates to the zone file.  The verifier’s 
work in this case can thereby be bounded by the frequency of batch signing.  

2.      Malicious signers can indeed add operational risk to MTL mode 
verifiers, as you have observed.  For example, a malicious signer can 
potentially sign one record at a time, on demand, in response to a validating 
resolver’s lookup request, rather than precomputing and/or batching signatures. 
 In this case each signature would involve a new Merkle tree leaf node and 
would therefore require the validating resolver to request a new signed ladder 
covering the new leaf node each time. 

The benefits of MTL Mode in reducing size and computational impact of the 
underlying signature algorithm would not be realized in this scenario.  This 
scenario would have slightly more operational impact than the underlying 
signature algorithm because the signer would send a condensed signature and a 
full signature, which together are slightly longer than an underlying 
signature, and an additional query would be involved (one for the condensed 
signature, one for the full signature).

3.      Two types of malicious responses can be returned by the malicious 
signer. Malicious responses with bad signatures require less work for the 
malicious signer but would result in signature verification failures, making 
the malicious activity easier to detect by the verifier. Malicious responses 
with good signatures would make the malicious activity harder to detect without 
comparing to a baseline for “normal” frequency of zone file updates resulting 
in new leaf nodes and signed ladders, full signatures vs. condensed signatures, 
etc. However, good signatures would require more work by the malicious signer.  
Verifiers will need to bound their follow-up queries and check that signatures 
values, like validity period and the signed message ID, are within reasonable 
bounds to help protect against malicious responses.

4.      On-path attackers can also have significant impact on validating 
resolvers.  Such attackers by assumption do not have access to the private key 
and therefore cannot generate new signatures, which limits their impact. 
However, they can replay valid existing signatures and send bad signatures.

5.      Malicious clients (off-path attackers) can also potentially add 
operational risk to a validating resolver even when the signer is honest.  Such 
clients could model when the zone has changed though direct queries to the 
authoritative name server or through other zone probing techniques. They can 
then perform queries to the validating resolver to force lookup of a newly 
updated record in the zone and its accompanying signature.  

You also raise an interesting question about “chained queries” which is 
something we should explore further.

Most, if not all, of the above can be addressed in the drafts. We’ll also add 
text describing mitigation strategies. We appreciate your feedback and look 
forward to further observations and questions.


Joe Harvey

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