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Joint Press Release - SOCITM & CSSA

15 June 2000

E-government framework will support local innovation and flexibility
say policy makers

Policy-makers working on the framework for e-government have
reassured local government ICT managers and suppliers that the
proposals currently on the table will support local diversity and

The conference held in London on 15 June was organised by the Society
of Information Technology Management (SOCITM) and the Computing
Services and Software Association (CSSA) had been organised to raise
awareness of the issues surrounding implementation of e-government at
local level. It was attended by 100 delegates from software and
service suppliers along with leading public sector ICT policy makers
from SOCITM, the Cabinet Office Central IT Unit (CITU), the Local
Government Association and the Department of Environment, Transport
and the Regions (DETR).

As well as hearing presentations on e-government strategy and the GIF
proposals, delegates participated in a series of workshops to examine
the practicalities of interoperability standards as applied to three
main areas:- e-billing for council services; address information and
the exchange of personal information. These discussions raised a
number of issues which will be fed back to CITU.

Eddy Peers on behalf of the CSSA and Jim Haslem for SOCITM, welcomed
the delegates to the conference. Jim Haslem said "Public service
providers must have a clear framework of standards to enable
effective joined up working. However, we must also ensure that local
diversity of applications, so important in driving competition and
innovation in local government ICT, is maintained. We hope and expect
that our partners in the ICT supplier companies will co-operate on
standards but continue to compete when it comes to implementation."

Steve Fletcher of the Department of Environment, Transport and the
Regions stressed the importance of public and private sector
organisations working in partnerships. "DETR has been working closely
with the Local Government Association, The Improvement and
Development Agency, The Cabinet Office and SOCITM on the concept of
Electronic Service Delivery. We are also keen to ensure that the
supplier organisations are involved in this process."

Conference delegates heard Anwar Choudhury of the CITU tell then that
under Government Interoperability Framework (e-GIF) government IT
strategy will be "browser lead" with the internationally approved XML
becoming the standard for data exchange for joined up government. UK
GovTalk, the first government/industry co-operation of its kind in
the world, will provide XML schemas for use across government with
open consultation process to ensure these can be reviewed by all
interested parties. The government portal UK Online, will be
available from September 2000, providing citizens with easy to use
service access built around life episodes. The first four of these
will be: having a baby, going away, dealing with crime and moving

Summing up the event, Martin Ferguson, President of SOCITM said that
the event had played an important role in ensuring that the supplier
community is in a position to fully support progress towards e-local
government. He also welcomed the government’s e-GIF initiative.
Martin concluded that "SOCITM has committed substantial resources to
defining the ICT implications of the Government's modernisation, best
value and joined-up agendas for service delivery and local
governance. Today's conference demonstrates the strength of goodwill
that exists from all parties to lead collectively in making e-
government a reality."

For more information contact:

Tim Dawes, SOCITM Information Age Government Programme Manager

Phone: 02392 360747 E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SOCITM – The Society of Information Technology Management, represents
ICT strategists and service managers working in of for the public
sector, especially with local government. It is the leading provider
of best practice advice and guidance on ICT and e-government to local

CSSA – The Computing Services and Software Association is the main
trade association for ICT companies operating in the UK. It has a
number of special interest groups including an E-Government Working

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