*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

From:                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date sent:              Wed, 21 Jun 2000 21:23:27

Communities Online hosts first UK online consultation on
neighbourhood renewal

In a novel test of the Internet's value in influencing Government
policies, local communities across Britain are being helped to
respond online to the "National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal"
issued by Tony Blair's Social Exclusion Unit.

The Community Sector Coalition and Communities Online have joined
forces to help local people and organisations from some of the
countries most deprived neighbourhoods to discuss and comment on the
wide-ranging policy proposals, which include actions on jobs and
enterprise, access to the net, learning and training and community
renewal. The Communities Online website at
http://www.communities.org.uk carries commentary and explanations of
the strategy and provides easy facilities for both comment and

Community networking initiatives across the country will organise
local access for anyone who has an interest in what the government
plans for their neighbourhood and Communities Online will work with
the Community Sector Coalition to collate the responses and feed them
in to the public consultation, which ends on 30th June.

Brian Cohen of the Community Sector Coalition said "Responding to
complex government documents is always difficult. Anything that can
help under-resourced community groups is to be welcomed and we are
very happy to be working with Communities Online in this initiative,
which we think is a first. We would particularly welcome comments
from people living or involved in community organisations in deprived
areas and especially comments from black and ethnic minority groups,
including community refugee organisations".

Sue Webb of Communities Online said "Usually, Government
consultations attract responses from the "chattering classes", from
official bodies and from large organisations and these do have some
value. Linking the power of the Internet with the local involvement
of community initiatives on the ground now gives an opportunity for
the people who will be most affected by the strategy to have their
own voices heard. We will be trying new techniques to make sure this
happens. And we will learn a lot from this to improve dialogue
between people and government for the future."

Brian Ruddock of the Churches' Community Work Alliance said "I see
this as an important first step in a new democratic process. This is
a genuine opportunity for the grassroots to use new technology as a
vehicle for their community expertise".

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
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Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
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