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Date sent:              Thu, 17 Aug 2000 16:33:54 +0200
From:                   Åke Grönlund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Electronic Government - call for chapters

Chapter proposal deadline September 30, 2000

A book edited by Åke Grönlund, Umeå University, Sweden

Electronic Government refers to all the processes of governance,
administration, and services that together constitute public sector
operations. IT is today  involved in most public sector activities,
ranging from citizen interactions to deeply embedded functions such as
decision models, visualization tools, and data mining techniques.

The public sector faces great changes due to technical development,
internationalization, rationalization, and increased citizen demands for
services and participation. From having been seen as a tool, IT is now
seen as a strategic instrument to redesign operations. In many
countries, political initiatives have been taken to achieve electronic
government over the next few years.

There is a great need to understand how IT can best be employed in a
sector which operates not only by economic rationality, but also has to
make operations acceptable from democratic points of view - e g
concerning participation, transparency, accountability - and where
issues of privacy and security are more pressing than in any other
sector. How to design and manage a new informational logic in government

The purpose of this book is to provide guidance to practitioners and
decision makers in the public sector and to students in programs aiming
at such positions.

TOPICS include, but are not limited to, the following:

-- The public sector perspective: the role of IT, evaluation criteria
and methods, etc
-- The interplay between the public sector and the citizens in decision
processes, service processes
-- Democracy and new communication processes
-- Knowledge management in the public sector
-- Methods for measuring success
-- Measuring quality in the public sector

-- Electronic services and institutional change: Organizational
redesign, new cooperation patterns
   among government agencies, public-private partnerships,
-- Electronic services and changes in work methods, new roles for staff,
politicians, and citizens, etc
-- Electronic service infrastructures - supply chains, logistics, media
integration, new informational
   logic, new institutions (e g intermediaries), repackaging of
government services and functions (e g
   partnerships with the private sector, the voluntary sector, local
government), etc
-- New processes for services, democratic interaction etc

-- Implementation of enabling technologies; Local portals, ERP systems,
simulation tools, decision
   support systems, smart cards, tools for identification, privacy and
security, government portals
   for one-stop shopping
-- Electronic commerce involving  public sector agencies

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit a 2-3 page proposal
explaining the mission and concerns of the proposed chapter on or before
September 30, 2000. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified by
October 15, 2000. Full chapters are due December 15. All submitted
chapters will be blind reviewed. The book is scheduled to be published
by Idea Group Publishing in Summer of 2001.

Send all contributions and inquiries by email to Åke Grönlund at

Åke Grönlund
Department of Informatics
Umeå University
901 87 Umeå, Sweden
Phone: +46-70-585 17 90

Dr. Åke Grönlund                phone +46-90-786 62 24
Dept. of Informatics                  +46-70-585 17 90 (best voice choice)
Umeå University                 fax      -90-786 65 50
901 87 Umeå                     email    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Web home: http://www.informatik.umu.se/~gron

Center for Studies of IT in the Public Sector,
CSIPS: http://www.informatik.umu.se/csips

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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