*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

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From:                   Scott Reents <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Quorum.org launch announcement

Dear DO-Wire

Quorum.org (http://www.quorum.org) is now live!  Quorum.org is an online
townhall sponsored by the nonprofit, nonpartisan Democracy Project.  With
Quorum.org, we have created a public space for the open exchange of
political information and perspectives.

Quorum's key innovation is a collaborative feedback mechanism that allows
the site users collectively to decide what information and perspectives are
useful for consideration by a broader audience. The result is a forum that
supports ongoing political conversations on a massive scale, allowing
citizens to constructively interact with other citizens, political
candidates, and elected officials.

We have a number of interesting conversations already on the site, notably:
- CAN PROFESSIONAL CHILD CARE ever be as good as having a parent at home?
 Should a parent stay at home even if that means a loss of financial
security or a slowdown in that parent's career? What can we collectively
afford to spend on child care programs?  PUBLIC AGENDA, the nonpartisan,
nonprofit issues research organization, is hosting an exclusive discussion
on Quorum.org on the major study on child care it released yesterday,
entitled "Necessary Compromises."

- EVER WONDERED what it's like to be a delegate to the Democratic National
Convention?  Last week, Quorum.org users asked four delegates from the
Philadelphia area their top questions.  Today we have answers back from our
first delegate, Wendell Young, III, who has been a delegate to every
Democratic convention since 1968.   See his answers and join in a
conversation about them at

It's an innovative, fun forum that we hope will encourage meaningful
conversations about the election and other political issues.  For more
information, check out the Web site or contact me directly...


Scott Reents

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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