*** Democracies Online Newswire - http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***

Note: Both International Conference on Social Computing
and ISOC conference below have Jan. 10 CFP deadlines.

Remember to send in conference announcements related to "democracy
online."  And join the "White House 2001: Envisioning the Next White
House Web Site" online conference today, by sending an e-mail to


From: Marsha Woodbury  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu Jan 4, 2001 7:13pm
Subject: Conference/Event Listing from CPSR (@)

Below is a schedule of upcoming conferences, events, opportunities,
and publications that may be of interest to members of Computer
Professionals for Social Responsibility.

If you plan to attend a gathering, and would like to take some
CPSR brochures and buttons along, please let me know how
many you would like, and where to send them.

And if you're interested in meeting up with other members who
also may be attending, or who live in the area where you will
be going, let me know if I can help with matchmaking.

As issues relating to voting are likely to continue to be a prominent
concern, we've established a CPSR Working Group on Voting Issues.
Send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to join the list. ...


CFP 2001 Computers, Freedom, and Privacy.
Deadline for proposals Jan. 5, 2001.  See  http//www.cfp2001.org/

INET 2001 The Internet Global Summit. Content Deadline Jan. 10.
See http//www.isoc.org/inet2001/cfc.shtml

Privacy in the New Environments What the Personal Information
Protection and Electronic Documents Act Means to Your Organization,
Ottawa, CANADA, Feb. 19, 2001..
See http//www.rileyis.com/seminars/

Safe Surfing 2001, SINGAPORE, Feb. 22-24.
See  http//www.safesurfing2001.com

Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, Cincinnati, OH,
March 1-4.  See http//php.ucs.indiana.edu/~appe/home.html.

CPSR Activists' Roundtable in Boston, MA, March 3-4.
Watch http//www.cpsr.org  for details and RSVP to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Computers, Freedom and Privacy, Cambridge, MA, March 6-9.
See http//www.cfp2001.org/

EUROSEC 2001, Paris, FRANCE, March 13-15.
See http//www.xpconseil.com/eurosec2001/

Online, Offshore and Cross-Border Regulating Global E-Commerce.
American University, Washington, DC, March 30.
See http//www.wcl.american.edu

Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2001), Seattle,
Washington, 31 March - 5 April.  See http//www.acm.org/chi2001

Human Aspects of the Information Society, Newcastle, ENGLAND.
April 9-11.  See http//is.northumbria.ac.uk/imri

National Summit on Electronic Privacy, Washington, DC,
April 23-24.  See http//www.nigi.org/

CPSR Student Essay Contest Submission Deadline for 2000-2001.
May 4, 2001.  See  http//www.cpsr.org/issues/contest.html.

Computing, Telecommunications, and Broadcasting Conference,
Accra, GHANA (Home of CPSR's new Africa Chapter), May 17-18.

The Internet Security Conference (TISC), Los Angeles, CA,
June 4-8. See  http//www.tisc2001.com/

INET 2001 The Internet Global Summit. The 11th Annual Internet
Society Conference. June 5-8, 2001. Stockholm, Sweden. For more
information http//www.isoc.org/inet2001/

ETHICOMP 2001  Systems of the Information Society, Gdansk,
POLAND, June 18-20.
See htttp//www.ccsr.cse.dmu.ac.uk/conferences/ccsrconf/ethicomp2001/

Internet and Development in Asia Internet Political Economy
Forum 2001, SINGAPORE, Sept. 14-15.
See  http//www.fas.nus.edu/icm/

ICSC 2001   International Conference on Social Computing
October 1 - 3, 2001 University of Bremen, Germany
www http//icsc2001.informatik.uni-bremen.de

Nurturing the CyberCommons, 1981-2021, Ann Arbor, MI,
October 19-21.  CPSR's 20th Anniversay.
Watch http//www.cpsr.org  for details.

CPSR-GLOBAL                http//www.egroups.com/list/cpsr-

To join, send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

To leave the list, email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Some back issues and information at
http//www.cpsr.org/lists/global/global.html, the
most up-to-date are on egroups.com.

^               ^               ^                ^
Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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