*** Democracies Online Newswire -  http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***
* Future of E-Democracy - http://publicus.net/articles/future.html *

As you may have noted on DO-WIRE <http://www.e-democracy.org/do>,
interest in online consultations and civic events organized by
governments and other groups is growing rapidly.  Trendwatchers take
notice.  In the nine months that we were working up plans for the DO-
CONSULT practitioners e-mail list, a number of key reports have been
issued and featured on DO-WIRE. They keep coming.

Three new reports are described below with a list of ten additional
reports worth taking a look at as your government (civic group)
brings online consultation and events into your online efforts.
Don't recreate the wheel.  Learn from others.  Pass this collection
of links on.

Quick Access (detail below)

Democracy Online: An Evaluation of the National Dialogue on Public
Involvement in EPA Decisions

What sort of Scotland do we want to live in? Assessment of the e-
consultation process

Online Consultation In GOL-IN Countries - Initiatives to foster e-
     (This is from the former named G8 Government Online effort.)

To discuss these reports and connect with about 100 of your peers who
are working to build useful and successful online consultations, join
the Democracies Online - Online Consultation and Civic Events e-mail
list today.  Introductions will start shortly.  To subscribe, send an
e-mail to:


For full e-mail list details, follow the link in the right column
under DO Communities of Practice from <http://www.e-

Steven Clift
Democracies Online

P.S. Stay tuned for my own Top Ten Tips on Online Consultations.

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From: "Beierle, Tom" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: New report on EPA electronic dialogue

Resources for the Future has just released the report "Democracy
Online: An Evaluation of the National Dialogue on Public Involvement
in EPA Decisions."

This report examines an on-line public dialogue conducted by the
Environmental Protection (EPA). Held in July 2001, it was the first
time that EPA (and perhaps any federal agency) included such a
sophisticated on-line participation mechanism as part of its
decisionmaking process.

RFF's report demonstrates that on-line dialogues offer a whole new
approach to public involvement by combining broad participation with
the intensive interaction usually found only in small groups.  As the
era of e-government dawns, this report outlines how on-line dialogues
can harness the Internet to enhance public participation in agency
rulemaking and other policymaking efforts.

Please use the following link to download the full report:

To download only the executive summary, please use the following
link: http://www.rff.org/reports/summaries/DemOnlineExecSum.pdf

If you would like a hard copy of the report, please email a request
to [EMAIL PROTECTED], send a fax to (202) 939-3460, or call (202) 328-

This research was conducted in cooperation with Information
Renaissance and EPA, and funded by The William and Flora Hewlett

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From: Macintosh, Ann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: 2 reports on Scottish e-consultation

We have just completed 2 evaluation reports on a recent e-
consultation on "What Sort of Scotland do we want to live in?".  The
e-consultation was on behalf of the Environment Group of the Scottish
Executive and was based around sustainable development issues facing

The aim was to equip Ministers with views to develop a policy
document as input to the World Summit in South Africa in 2002. The e-
consultation ran from 6th June to 8th October 2001. It aimed to
inform people about the key issues facing a future Scotland and asked
them to give their views on a range of issues ranging from efficient
use of resources to lifestyle and transport. The web site address for
the e-consultation is:

http://e-consultant.org.uk/sustainability/. It received a total of
392 contributions. Of these 172 were made by individuals and 19 on
behalf of organisations or groups.

One report provides the results of the analysis of the comments
entered onto the e-consultation website:

Here there were 3 objectives to the analysis:

· To discover the extent to which contributions answer questions set
by the e-consultation;

· To investigate whether the issues and information provided online
were clear and helpful;

· To determine the main sustainable development themes arising from
the e-consultation.

The other report (which is probably of more interest to Do-Wire
readers) describes and assesses the structure of the e-consultant
website, the content of the site and the e-consultation process:

The assessment is based on past experience of conducting e-
consultations, the meetings of the consultation Steering Group and
the users' opinions of the site as given in response to the on-line
"Review Site" questionnaire. Every page of the e-consultation had a
link to the "Review Site" questionnaire. This aimed to gather
information about the circumstances in which people used the site,
how easy or difficult they found it to use and what they thought
about using the Internet as part of a consultation process.

Both reports can be downloaded from the "feedback" section of the e-
consultation at:

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Online Consultation In GOL-IN Countries - Initiatives to foster e-

The final report from the 2001 GOL-IN e-democracy project is now
available. The report shows that governments around the globe are
actively promoting online consultations in order to strengthen
democracy and development.

The project report of 6 December 2001 is a joint product of the
members of the Government Online International Network.

The report has been drafted by Pauline Poland  Ministry of the
Interior and Kingdom Relations  the Netherlands.

Download the full report now. Get the PDF-version (475kB):

or the Word/RTF-version (284kB):

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Key Online Consultation Reports Previously Featured on DO-WIRE

Bowling Together: Online Public Engagement in Policy Deliberation

OECD Citizens as Partners Guide: Information, Consultation and Public
Participation in Policy-Making  (268 pages)

Engaging Citizens in Policy-making: Information, Consultation and
Public Participation. OECD Public Management Policy Brief No. 10

Building Digital Bridges - Creating Inclusive Online Parliamentary

Electronic Democracy and Educating Young People


New Media and Social Exclusion (report excerpt from Hansard Society)

On-line Engagement – New Models and Implications for Government
Departments and Officials

Lessons from the Network Model for Online Engagement of Citizens

Electronic Civic Consultation: A guide to the use of the Internet in
interactive policy making (Key Dutch report from 1997, found it

UK Best Practices and Guides (lesson to be transferred to online):

Policity Citizen Participation Centre (Canada)

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Steven L. Clift    -    W: http://www.publicus.net
Minneapolis    -   -   -     E: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Minnesota  -   -   -   -   -    T: +1.612.822.8667
USA    -   -   -   -   -   -   -     ICQ: 13789183

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