*** Democracies Online Newswire -  http://www.e-democracy.org/do ***
*** New!  Discuss Posts - http://e-democracy.org/do/discuss.html ***

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After the 2000 elections, the Democracies Online Newswire
<http://www.e-democracy.org/do>, hosted an open dicussion
<http://groups.yahoo.com/group/do-campnet/messages/1> on the role of
the Internet in the 2000 election cycle.  It a very good exchange.

David Erickson and I have decided to reopen the forum. With the
recent elections in France, the Netherlands and upcoming 2002
elections in South Korea, Sweden, Germany, and United States, the
forum will encourage global sharing of tips and lessons.  We
encourage all political party and candidate webmasters to join us

To subscribe, send an e-mail to:


To subscribe to the Democracies Online Newsire, read below or visit:


Steven Clift
Democracies Online

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         Democracies Online Newswire - DO-WIRE
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Join the Democracies Online Newswire - DO-WIRE

        'must reading' 'highest quality'

DO-WIRE is your primary source for what's important and
happening with democracy, government, politics and the
Internet around the world. DO-WIRE is a free, high quality
moderated e-mail announcement list with no more than seven
messages a week.

To subscribe for convenient e-mail delivery or read recent
posts on the web, visit:


Or send the command "SUB DO-WIRE" in the message body to
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.  Be sure to reply "ok" to the
confirmation e-mail request you receive.

Launched in January 1998, DO-WIRE now connects over 2400
experts, practitioners, journalists, and citizens from
around the world. If you are interested in democracy online,
which includes politics online, new media, e-governance,
online advocacy, citizen interaction and related topics,
then join us.

Each week, well known e-democracy expert and speaker Steven
Clift <http://publicus.net> forwards, with occasional
analysis, up to seven carefully selected messages.  Posts
include news, article, and report web links, event and
conference announcements, calls for papers, and often
uncover important "primary source" online resources,
projects, and initiatives of significance.

DO-WIRE Member Submissions and Comments

The large and diverse subscriber base on DO-WIRE makes
this information exchange network so vibrant.  Share your
text-only submissions for review to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the end, comments from DO-WIRE members are the best
invitation to join:

    'must reading'
    'highest quality'
    'interesting content'
    'keeps me informed ... not inundated'
    'incredibly rich, diverse, deep coverage'
    'best source ... invaluable resource'
    'your contributions are ... informative and enlightening'
    'thoughtful analysis and provocative personal perspective'

E-Democracy E-Book, Future of E-Democracy

Democracy online trends from the last decade are explored in
Steven Clift's "E-Democracy E-Book."  Themes previously
covered by DO-WIRE are summarized in this article. The E-Book,
the new Future of E-Democracy article, presentations, and
highlighted posts are available online from:


Please forward this message to others who are interested in
networking with others across the global democracy online
community.  If you have a web site, please add links as
appropriate.  Thanks.
                                            1 MAY 2002
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         Democracies Online Newswire - DO-WIRE
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*** Please send submissions to:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]     ***
*** To subscribe, e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED]          ***
***         Message body:  SUB DO-WIRE                  ***
*** To unsubscribe instead, write: UNSUB DO-WIRE        ***

*** Please forward this post to others and encourage    ***
*** them to subscribe to the free DO-WIRE service.      ***

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