On Thu, Jan 24, 2013 at 9:00 AM, Mike Tuma <mtuma5...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am a newbie to the project and discussion, please let me know if I am
> doing anything wrong as I am not familiar with the culture or etiquette. I
> am however familiar with OS documentation.

Hi Mike,

Welcome to the project.  We have a webpage on list etiquette here:


Most of it is just common-sense and politeness..

> Here are my thoughts, let me know if I am off my rocker.
> Questions: Do we have screen shots for the different OS's? Will these show
> up in the help files? Or is help all Web (e.g. one centralized set of
> instructions)?

This is my understanding of the concern:   Some consider the use of
screenshots from Microsoft Windows and Apple MacOS to be legally
nebulous, since the user interface elements that we inherit from those
platforms may be covered under copyright.  So to be safe the proposal
is to use screenshots only from open source operating systems, like
Linux.   And for the sake of uniformity we want to agree on the
exactly platform and consistency for these screenshots.

Personally, I'll be doing my writing on a Windows 7 machine.  But so
long as we have a volunteer willing to make the screenshots on Linux,
that should be fine.  It might make sense to have a set of sample
documents with copyright-free text in them, Loren ipsum type stuff.
Or some other documents that we create.  We want to avoid two things:
1) Using copyrighted documents in our screenshots. and 2) Using
documents that have, e.g., spelling or grammatical errors in them
(unless of course we're writing about spell checking!)


> Windows: Windows 7
> Mac: OSX Lion
> Linux: Well, what is the distro market share? Ubuntu, which is Gnome. Or,
> what is UI market share? I would guess Gnome again.
> Cheers,
> Mike

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