
I think gentle mentoring will be very useful for newcomers, since there is 
considerable tacit lore that needs to be grasped before taking bigger steps.  
This seems to apply for documentation as well as for working on the code, since 
there are toolcraft requirements as well as practices to become fluent with.

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Weir [mailto:robw...@apache.org] 
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2013 08:11
To: doc@openoffice.apache.org
Subject: Re: Response to follow-up e-mails Was Re: Use of Ricardo's Status page.

On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 9:48 PM, Keith N. McKenna
[ ... ]
> We definitely need more hand holding, but where are the people with the
> time, inclination and knowledge to do it?

I think even a little would help.  For example, with QA we found it
valuable to give new volunteers "assignments" when they started, until
they were more familiar with the tools and process, and then they were
able to select their own items to work on.  We could do something
similar.  For example, a new volunteer joins the list and we say,
"We're working on AOO 4.0 documentation on the wiki now.  We have
plenty of editing and review work available.  Would you be able to do
a <technical review of this chapter here> or <copyediting of these
chapters> or <some other well-defined task>?

I know this seems a little odd, and I resisted it at first.  We're
talking about a corporate way of working, where someone assigns you
items.  But that is how almost every charity works.  If I show up at a
homeless shelter and offer to volunteer, they don't just let me roam
the building, trying to find stuff that needs to be done.  They have a
"volunteer coordinator" who talks to me initially, figures out what
skills I have, and then assigns me some items to work on.  I don't
mind, because my goal is help.  I'm looking for a meaningful way to
contribute.  The volunteer coordinator does not impose by giving me an
assignment.  She helps me achieve my goals of contributing.

So it is great that we have the wiki to track the work that needs to
be done.  I wonder if we just need to take the next step, and suggest
specific items for new volunteers from that list?



[ ... ]

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