> From: "Paul A. Hoadley" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> I'm having trouble converting DocBook XML -> HTML at the
> commandline.  I've just downloaded the latest versions of James Clark's XT
> and XP, as well as Norm Walsh's stylesheets.  I've tried to follow the
> instructions at:
> > java com.jclark.xsl.sax.Driver article.xml \
> ~/xml/docbook/xsl/docbook/html/docbook.xsl > article.html
> file:/home/paulh/xml/docbook/xsl/docbook/html/index.xsl:273: no such
> function: key

Norm mentioned that version 1.29 of the XSL stylesheets
are broken in XT.  He is having trouble maintaining the
stylesheets with XT, but said he would try to fix it.
You might try an earlier version of the stylesheets.


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