On Tue, Feb 13, 2001 at 10:19:15PM +0100, Michael Wiedmann wrote:
> Nik Clayton wrote on 010210 00:27 +0000:
> ... 
> >   That's that, pretty much.  You can see BSD style .mk files that
> >   implement all of this, at
> > 
> >     http://www.freebsd.org/cgi/cvsweb.cgi/doc/share/mk/
> > 
> >   and pay particular attention to doc.docbook.mk.  I'm not aware of any
> >   Linux distributions (with scripts like dbtopdf) that make this level
> >   of customisation possible.  Of course, it would be trivial for you to
> >   implement your own replacement scripts which do this.  The FreeBSD
> >   make(1) approach is, of course, there for the taking, and I'm happy to
> >   discuss it further on either this list, or [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Thank you Nik for your detailed information, this was really helpful.

Glad people find it useful.

> I had a first look at the FreeBSD-Makefiles you mentioned in your
> posting. AFAIK it would mean an almost complete rewrite of the doc.*.mk
> files because FreeBSD uses Berkeley Make which is not compatible with
> GNU Make (tell me if I'm wrong or if there exists an easy conversion
> path). 

Look for pmake on your Linux system.  If you don't have it, a Google
search for "pmake RPM" turns up lots of places that have it.

> I'd really like to see a similar set of Makefiles for Linux and
> maybe will start a small project on this topic. If I have some
> questions I will post them here.

In all honesty, it's probably easier to port the software than it is to
port the Makefiles.

I also know Berkeley make much better than I know GNU make.  If there
are Berkeley make specific constructs in these files that can be
rewritten so that BSD make and GNU make can handle them identically then
let me know[1], and I'm happy to include them.


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