
I'm trying to get The XML docbook running. I currently am using Xalan
1.2.2, the XSL stylesheets version 1.29 and FOP 0.15.0. What do I need to
change for this combination to work? Do I need any newer or older version
of the software?


 p |Carlos E. Araya
 - |Senior Programmer Analyst (Instructional Design)
 G |California Virtual Campus Region 1

Web     : http://www.cvc1.org/
          http://www.silverwolf-net.net (under construction)

LIFE: You can't control the length, but you can control the depth and
width. -- From Randal Schwartz picture archive

``Paradoxically, a refusal to `put a monetary value on life' means that
life is often undervalued.'' -- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach

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