It did sort of seem like it wasn't finding to catalog files, but I now don't think
that's the problem.  It seems to have a problem with case sensitivity. (Although
it also couldn't find the style-sheet.dtd file even though it is in the same directory
as the catalog file.  A quick fix was just to add a system identifier to the DOCTYPE).

As for the upper/lower case problem...

In the jtest.dsl file I changed the doctype to DOCTYPE in the initial tag and  then 
jade was
able to
find the dtd.  Then I started getting errors in from the dtd.  It didn't like the 
entity tag,
so I changed
it to ENTITY.  I did the same to all of the tags through-out and now it is much 
happier.  I
also got
errors from jtests.sgm because the tags were defined at the top in upper case and used
the body in lower case.  If I change the tags in the body to upper case, it's fine.

Now the only errors that I'm left with are:
c:\Jade\jade.exe:c:\jade\style-sheet.dtd:41:2:E: entity end not allowed in processing
architecture as a base architecture
c:\Jade\jade.exe: specification document does not have the DSSSL
architecture as a base architecture

Any insight into these problems would be appreciated.

Jamie Smedsmo

"Juan R. Migoya" wrote:

> Does the bash shell admit
> Try this:
> jade -t rtf -d jtest.dsl -c /jade/docbkx412/ jtest.sgm
> Anyway, it seems that Jade canīt find the Catalog.
> Regards,
> Juan R. Migoya
> Jamie Smedsmo wrote:
> >
> > I've been trying to get Jade to work with DocBook DSSSL stylesheets and
> > am having problems getting things installed properly.  I'm running on
> > Windows NT
> > using Jade, version 1.6.2 of the stylesheets and the Docbook XML version
> > 4.1.2.  I'm
> > running in a bash shell, so the / and \ get mixed.
> >
> > I'm following the installation instructions for the Modular Docbook
> > Stylesheets at
> >
> > 1) I think that jade is installed properly because I am able to run:
> >  jade -t rtf -d jtest.dsl jtest.sgm
> >
> > 2) I believe that the DocBook DTD is installed correctly because I am
> > able to run:
> > nsgmls -sv test.sgm
> >
> > 3)My problem comes in when I try to use jade with stylesheets:
> > I now have set
> > SGML_CATALOG_FILES=c:/jade/catalog;c:/jade/docbkx412/;c:/jade/xml.soc;
> >
> > Now when I try to run:
> >  jade -t rtf -d jtest.dsl jtest.sgm
> >
> > I get the following output:
> >
> > c:\Jade\jade.exe:jtest.dsl:1:2:E: unknown declaration type "doctype"
> >
> >[snip...]
> >
> > Thanks in advance,
> > Jamie Smedsmo
> >
> --
> ************************************************************************
> Juan R. Migoya
> Ingelectric-Team, S.A.
> Area de Aparatos y Equipos
> Tel. 94 403 98 30
> Fax. 94 403 96 80

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