Norman Walsh wrote:
> / Eric Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
> | The rough draft 4.1 documentation on the web site is great
> | but I'd love to download it to my local box like the html version of the
> | 3.1 based book.
> You mean copied it off the CD, right? :-)

I downloaded a html version(zip format) from the web site
unless I'm totally going batty.

> | Or better yet a 4.1 version of the book.
> I'm working on it. It all parses and it's XML now, but I haven't got
> everthing cleaned up quite well enough to publish yet.

Great news! I'll buy that one.

> | maintained in sync or not would be helpful as well. My recent thread
> | with no responses, (abstract red in FO?) found what seems to be two
> Sorry. I was absolutely swamped with deadlines and am only now
> catching up on my docbook mail.

I saw you were having some Debian upgrade problems on top of it.

I do really appreciate all your work on docbook and the stylesheets!

Eric :-)

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