From: Adam Di Carlo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 18 Feb 2001 22:08:16 -0500
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Old email but I thought it worth responding to.

Phillip Shelton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> onsgmls is still having trouble with the ISOent files that come with
> DocBook-4.1

Wasn't that fixed as of docbook-xml 4.1.2 (fixed in 4.1.1beta1 I guess?)

> Which list do I send my troubles to.

The Jade Devel mailing list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> has been
picking up lately.  Several people have been kind enough to send
patches, and I've been kinda enough to apply them.

I'm hoping to get a little breathing room and release beta versions of
both OpenSP and OpenJade.

Now, if only some C++ hacker could send me a patch so that OpenJade is
not longer 4x slower than it used to be (wide char optimizations).


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