
When using DocBook XML V 4.1.2 in conjunction with Saxon 6.2 and the
Modular DocBook XSL style sheets version 1.29, I'm getting
numerous errors of the form:

Error at xsl:copy-of on line 34 of
  Error in expression verb6:insertCallouts(areaspec,$rtf): The URI
http://nwalsh.com/com.nwalsh.saxon6.Verbatim does not identify an external
Java class
Error at xsl:copy-of on line 42 of
  Error in expression verb5:insertCallouts(areaspec,$rtf,
false()): The URI http://nwalsh.com/com.nwalsh.saxon.Verbatim does not
identify an external Java class

Does anybody know where these come from and how I can get rid of them?

Thanks in advance for any help!



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