Hi all,

This is my little contribution to the problem.
XML DTD 4.1.2
XSL 1.29
        2 tests with:
- xalan 2.0.0 xerces 1.2.3 as distributed by apache
- xalan 1.2.2 as distributed by apache
[results below]

In short xalan 1.2.2 works with Norm's XSL, while xalan 2.0.0 don't.
However, building a custom stylesheet using extension
<xalanredirect:write>  works perfectly.

I also tried with website DTD and XSL, after:
- commenting out "workaround for a XalanJ1 bug"
- changing docbookx.xsl path in website.xsl
It worked perfectly apart that it outputed all html files inside the
website.xsl directory!!!
Using a custom empty stylesheet in current dir did not even solved the


$ ~/bin/xsl -V -IN advocacy.xml -XSL
-OUT index.html
>>>>>>> Xalan Version 2.0.0, <<<<<<<
 XSLT Error (javax.xml.transform.TransformerConfigurationException):
method can not be multiply defined at the same import level!
Old value = xml; New value = html

$ ~/bin/xsl1 -V -IN advocacy.xml -XSL
-OUT index.html
>>>>>>> Xalan Version 1.2.2, XML4J Version Xerces 1.2.2<<<<<<<
========= Parsing
Parse of
file:/usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.29/xhtml/docbook.xsl took
41982 milliseconds
========= Parsing
Parse of
file:/home/camille/presentations/company_doc_policy/advocacy.xml took
7432 milliseconds
transform took 10058 milliseconds
XSLProcessor: done   

Bob Stayton a écrit :
> > From: Claus Rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > First of all - this posting contains a lot of error-messages. Sorry for
> > that, but it's the only way I can sketch out my problem.
> >
> > For a while I've been thinking that it had to be our customizations that
> > broke Xalan 2, but now I give up:
> >
> > I install a pure, untouched version of
> >
> >  - Xalan 2 java
> >  - Norms XSL style sheets v1.29
> >  - The DocBook XML DTD v4.1.2
> >
> > The Xalan tests all run without problems.
> >
> > When I try the tests that come with Norms style sheets the trouble begins.
> >
> > (I should mention that chunking is the problem - producing one big document
> > goes smoothly).
> I had not tried the Docbook chunk.xsl stylesheet with XalanJ2.
> When I do, I also find that it does not work.  They changed the
> location of the Redirect class from:
>   org.apache.xalan.xslt.extensions.Redirect
> to
>   org.apache.xalan.lib.Redirect
> When I made just those changes to chunk.xsl and
> chunk-common.xsl, I was able to get it to run, but
> it still did not produce useful output.  It says
> it is writing out each html file, but I cannot find
> any such output files, either in my current directory or
> relative to the source.  After saying it is writing
> out 8 files (but not actually doing so), it fails
> with this message:
>   XSLT Error (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException): -9
> Very helpful message, eh?  8^)
> I think Norm will have to fix chunk.xsl to work
> with XalanJ2, beyond my simple adjustment above.
> bobs
> Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
> Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
> Technical Publications                      voice: (831) 427-7796
> The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.              fax:   (831) 429-1887
>                                             email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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