You can use Emacs macros (perhaps the best in this case) or use
Entities. Some examples of this last solution has been shown in
this list. 


Juan R. Migoya

Carsten Wartmann wrote:
> Hi,
> it's me again. Another thing I miss is the possibility to define
> macros for my text. For example I like to make a macro for an image
> like <cw_image image="abc.png">This is my caption</cw_image>
> and this then gets replaced (while compiling/postprocessing?) with
> the whole
>         <inlinemediaobject>
>           <imageobject>
>             <imagedata fileref=
>         etc.
> stuff. This would greatly enhance the readibility and also the speed
> of typing. I am using XEmacs/psgml, so maybe there are possibilities I
> just don't know so far. Any ideas?
> Thanks,
> Carsten.
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