Aleksandar Simic' wrote:

> If I were to use ISO-8859-2 encoding in a SGML document how would I go
> about it ?The idea is to use software available on FreeBSD, ie. freely
> available software, since it will be used to typeset FreeBSD's
> documentation. I've already asked the FreeBSD documentation people and
> they weren't sure.

Everything what you need is to set environment variable SP_ENCODING to
value ISO-8859-2. Then you can process files which contain ISO-8859-2
characters by Jade and nsgmls.

IMHO it is better to use XML version of DocBook, because XML is able to
carry encoding information in the body of file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-2"?>
<!DOCTYPE book 

If you than set SP_ENCODING to XML, Jade and nsgmls will automatically
switch to encoding specified in XML declaration.

  Jirka Kosek                        

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