Patrickd wrote:

> I'm currently using the XSL DocBook Stylesheets to create
> HTML documentation.
> Everything works fine in english.  The problem is when I
> try to generate my french documentation.  Accentuated
> caracters (é, è, à, ...) does'nt appears correctly
> in .html generated files.
> Here a generated .html sample :
>         Chapitre 1. Créer
>         Précédent                                                                
>           Â Suivant

They are correct, but encoded in by UTF-8 encoding. It is strange,
because HTML stylesheet by default uses iso-8859-1 (ISO Latin 1)
encoding. Aren't you using XHTML version of stylesheet (stored in file
xhtml/docbook.xsl). When generating XHTML, XSLT processor emits XML and
XT in that case always uses UTF-8. This can be overcomed by using
html/docbook.xsl stylesheet. 

> Future release (e.g. 1.34) generate me some special error (on win32 using
> XT)
> {$encoding}
>         [Could not load class:{$encoding}]
> Anyone experiencing this kind of problems.

XT does not support AVT in encoding specification. You should switch to
some better XSLT processor - e.g. Saxon.

  Jirka Kosek                        

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