/ Eric Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| Hi
| I have the following docbook source which seems to vaildate okay.
| <article>
|   <title>Article Title</title>
| The abstract section shows up in red in the PDF from FO. I remember from
| reading this group that the red means something special when the output
| of the process. The XHTML processes this nicely.
| html/titlepage.xsl has a selector for abstract.
| fo/titlepage.xsl has a selector for abstract.
| excerpt from fo.
| <fo:block color="red">&lt;abstract&gt;<fo:block
| color="red">&lt;title&gt;Abstract&lt;/title&gt;</fo:block>
| Any help would be appreciated.

Fixed. Sorry for the delay.

| Also, is there a DOCTYPE for fo?

Not really. It's hard to do because of the nature of inheritance in

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Extinction, n. The raw material out of
http://nwalsh.com/            | which theology created the future
                              | state.--Ambrose Bierce

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