That did indeed solve the problem with the graphics.  Thank you.

At 08:14 AM 4/27/01 -0400, Norman Walsh wrote:
>/ "M. Wroth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
>| However, I would like the figures to be centered on the page, and they are
>| showing up left-justified.  What am I doing wrong?
>Nothing. Stylesheet bug. Fixed in CVS. Try this:
>(element imagedata
>   (if (have-ancestor? (normalize "mediaobject"))
>       ($img$ (current-node) #t)
>       ($img$ (current-node) #f)))
>instead of the current definition.
>                                         Be seeing you,
>                                           norm
>Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | There is no such thing as an
> | absolute certainty, but there is
>Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | assurance sufficient for the
>                                    | purposes of human life.--John
>                                    | Stuart Mill
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Mark B. Wroth

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