Hello Marcel,

On Thu, 3 May 2001, Kunath, Marcel wrote:
> I added docbkx412 to my sgml-catalog-files. (F:\emacs\sgml\dtd\docbkx412 in
> Win2k)
>       <!DOCTYPE Book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" 
>       "F:\emacs\sgml\dtd\docbkx412\docbook.cat" >
> I got the following in my .emacs:
>       ;; ecat support
>       (setq sgml-ecat-files
>         (list
>           (expand-file-name "f:/emacs/sgml/dtd/html/ecatalog")
>           (expand-file-name "f:/emacs/sgml/dtd/docbook41/ecatalog")
>           (expand-file-name "f:/emacs/sgml/dtd/docbkx412/ecatalog")
>       ))
> The ecatalog file says:
>       PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML V4.1.2//EN" "docbook.ced"

> I open the test file and it color marks the declaration. It also compiles
> and saves docbook.ced. It allows me to create the book tags but then it
> doesn't have any tags available underneath that.
> I am confused on where I am stuck.

ECATalog-files are for PSGML's internal caching of preparsed DTDs. Before
PSGML can successfully parse and cache such a preparsed DTD it needs to
have "normal" SGML-catalog files, just as any other SGML-application
supporting catalogs does.

For me it was sufficient to set the evironment variable SGML_CATALOG_FILES
(tested under WinNT, NTEmacs 20.1, PSGML 1.2.[1|2]) to my central
catalog-file which in turn references beneith others the DocBook XML 4.1.2
catalog "docbook.cat". It seemed to me as if psgml looks up the
catalog-position from the mentioned env-var as a default when nothing else
is set via elisp-variables. So there should be no need to setq
sgml-catalog-files (not to be mixed up with sgml-ecat-files).

HTH, Steffen.

Version: 3.12
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