At 09:32 26/07/01 +0100, you wrote:
>Dave Brooks, BCS Systems writes:
>  > For a JPEG I get the Latex error message "! LaTeX Error: Cannot determine
>  > size of graphic in test.jpg (no BoundingBox)."
>you do not have a current copy of the file pdftex.def

I now have - the header has [2000/06/16 v0.03a graphics/color for pdftex], 
and comments in the file indicate support for jpeg, png, pdf, etc, but 
still get the error.

I see the error message is coming out of graphics.sty because there is no 
bounding box. Do I need a .bb file as well as the jpeg? I need to 
investigate further, but it appears that the size attributes of 
<imagedata/> in Docbook aren't getting through Jade into the Tex file.


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