Hi Jirka,

You are right. I do need another pair of glasses.
After hours in front of the screen, it seems to make me blind.

Fortunately it worked well to convert from DocBook to PDF.

The trouble is that I can't find a solution to the opposite direction.
That is, conversion from PDF to DocBook.
My argument to having DocBook is that I can search for words
within the body of an Xml document.  (???)

Does anyone knows such a Java API?
Thanks a lot for your patience.


Jirka Kosek wrote:

> Ho wrote:
> > In which package (or in which site/distribution)
> > the fo/docbook.xsl is located ?
> >
> > I have looked in the Apache Fop and DocBook site
> > and I couldn't find the referred file.
> Probably good time for buying new glasses. ;)
> http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/docbook/docbook-xsl-1.41.zip
> Stylesheets for DocBook are avaiable at
>         http://docbook.sourceforge.net/
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
>   Jirka Kosek
>   e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>   http://www.kosek.cz

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