We're using entityrefs rather than filerefs for graphics and inlinegraphics.
We declare the entities using relative pathnames.
Somehow, htmlhelp.xsl is resolving these entity refs to full pathnames. 

For example, a reference to 
        <!ENTITY g-opttoolbtn SYSTEM "graphics\opttoolbtn.gif" NDATA GIF> in
the XML becomes 
        <img src="file:/D:/applets/xmldiffmrg/graphics/opttoolbtn.gif"> in
the HTML.

In this configuration I haven't been able so far to get the HTML Help
compiler to zip the graphics up in the .CHM file - it just references them
as external files using the full path above. Okay for a web application; not
a help system.

Simply eliminating subfolders seems to fix the problem, but it's not a
pretty solution. Am I running afoul of the infamous entity resolver problem?
If so, would you advise going back to filerefs until there's a fix?


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