On Wed, 22 Aug 2001, Tom Epperly wrote:

> I have spent the last 2-3 days trying to find a set of DocBook apps on
> Linux that are robust and can generate HTML, PDF and perhaps RTF. I've
> been working from a Debian Linux distribution and trying packages like
> jade, openjade, sgmltools-lite, libxalan2-java, lib-fop-java, and
> cygnus-stylesheet.

        I'm using Debian 2.2 potato to process various documents up to 600
pages long. My toolchain is DSSSL-based with openjade and jadetex. I'm
using jadetex 2.20 right now because it gives me the fewest problems.

        I initially used the toolchain from the task-sgml package. It
worked fine but I didn't like the PDF output it produced. So I installed
everything as outlined in the DocBook-Install mini-HOWTO. I later added 
the DocBook 4.1.2 XML DTD.

        Debian's stable task-sgml package:

        The DocBook-Install mini-HOWTO:

        BTW: Looking at the archives of this list is a good place to go
for help. Don't be afraid post specific questions to this list either.
Hopefully, we can get you up and running.

        DocBook-Apps mailing list archive:

=== Kevin Conder, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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