I got this error with both Win95 and NT4. I hacked round it by commenting
out the XML declaration in EN.XML (and commenting out all other entities and
references in L10N.XML, to save having to edit all the language files)
Rob Smith

> From: Jason Buckley (Ramesys - Nottingham)
> I'm using the standard DocBook XSL stylesheet version 1.44 to
> render using
> IE and it's XML parser. This works fine using IE5, IE5.5 or IE6 under
> Windows 2000 or XP. However, when I try to view the same XML
> pages using IE
> on any NT4 workstation, I get the following error message:
> Error while parsing
> "file:///I:/Applications/....../docbook/xsl/docbook-xsl/common
> /l10n.xml".
> System does not support the specified encoding.
> The problem appears to be something to do with the files in
> /common being
> encoded as us-ascii, but I cannot see why, or find a resolution.

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