> On Thu, Sep 20, 2001 at 04:19:45PM +0200, The DeerBear wrote:
> > All this stuff is rather incomprehensible to me at my stage of knowledge...
> > would some of you be so kind to explain to me what all this means?
> > Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!! :D)
> Have a look at the urls I mentionned earlier for more details - I'll
> attempt a summary, which Irène may want to correct where I'm wrong.
> Basically, to use thotlib to build an editor you need to provide 3 files:
> - a structure-definition, in S language (analogous to a DTD or schema)
> - a stylesheet for presentation, in P language
> - a transformation-definition file in T language, for import/export (I
> hope I'm accurate enough here, this part I did not investigate much
> till now)

The T language is only used to translate the document tree into a given syntax.
Example: Amaya is an application based on the Thotlib. The file HTML.S
describes the structure of html documents, The file HTMLP.P describes the
presentation of html documents and  HTMLT.T describes the html syntax.
Amaya uses Expat to import xhtml documents (a more tolerant html parser
to import html documents).

> Additionally you can use the A application-defintion language which
> can help you build a GUI with minimum efforts.

The A language can be used to connect specific function to the thotlib too.

> If I understand well, the Toth editor is mostly a generic application
> allowing to use arbitrary document-classes, each defined by S/T/P
> files described above.


> -- 
> Yann Dirson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>                 http://www.alcove.com/
> Free-Software Engineer                                      Ingénieur Logiciel-Libre
> Free-Software time manager                   Responsable du temps Informatique-Libre

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