hi Jason,

dont ask me what how that happend,
but suddenly it works.

The only problem i have now is, that some images seem
not to be found.
Ahhh, ... these are all images i included with


Thank you very much for your trouble,

< Chris

< I've just tested with an absolute path, and it works OK here. What error
< message do you get from IE?
< Cheers
< Jason
< Thank you very much for the reply,
< I've done what you suggested (and you were right),
< but it still doesn't work. 
< I guess, the problem is now that IE just cannot
< cope with the path ...
<       href="d:\docbook\stylesheets\xslt\1_45\html\docbook.xsl"?>
< but i must have a absolute path, because I can't move
< the DocBook Stylesheets. And I don't think it's 
< possible to link a directory (WINNT 4) like in UNIX Systems. 
< Should it work with file:/// or something similar?
< I haven't tried it, yet.
< best regards, 
< (-:hris
< < Chris
< <
< < Make sure you're using IE5 or above, and have installed MSXML3 in
< < mode. To do this, you need to download MSXML3 from MSDN, and then set it
< in
< < replace mode using a Microsoft utility called xmlinst.exe (I think).
< < will probably sort your problem, if not, give me a shout.
< <
< < Jason
< <
< < < Hello All,
< < <
< < < I've got a poject in XML DocBook 5.0 which I'd transformed into
< < < HTML with Xalan.
< < < Now I want to use IE as XSLT engine.
< < < 
< < < I simply added ...
< < <
< < < <?xml-stylesheet 
< < <   type="text/xsl" 
< < <   href="d:\docbook\stylesheets\xslt\1_45\html\docbook.xsl"?>
< < <
< < < .. but it doesn't work this way. There is just the message:
< < <   
< < <   No template matches . < > </ > white black 
< < <   #0000FF #840084 #0000FF ID ' ' not found in document. 
< < <
< < <
< < < Any help would be appreciated,
< < <
< < < (-:hris

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