> From: Eric Richardson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi,
> Now that I got the <programlisting> in docbook XML and XSL to work with 
> xalan extensions, I have a few observations.
> 1. On the literallayout conversion to html there is no <pre> tag but 
> there is a <br> before. I'm trying to include ASCII art and thought 
> programlisting inappropriate.
> 2. On the programlisting conversion, there is no <br> so the output is 
> sensitive to the element whitespace.
> Perhaps there is a better way to include ASCII art or perhaps I'm 
> missing something but I would think that the literal should be in the 
> pre tag based on the elements description. I would also like the <br> 
> added to the programlisting as I like this behavior.
> In comments or suggestion very welcome.

You want <literallayout class="monospaced">.
By default, literallayout uses the normal font.

Bob Stayton                                 400 Encinal Street
Publications Architect                      Santa Cruz, CA  95060
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