"Bradford, Denis" wrote:

> This thread has been quiet for awhile. I'm curious
> 1) whether the nice man above is still working on such a sheet, and

I don't know, as I'm not the man. But IIRC Nik Clayton from FreeBSD was
working on such stylesheet. However I don't know if he finished. 
> 2) if not, people think docbook2X is the best way to go?
> We've been doing both authoring and docbook.xsl transformation on Windows,
> and so I'm hoping to avoid installing and building a whole new environment
> on UNIX, as docbook2x apparently requires. Yes, even though the man pages
> will run on UNIX.

I have no personall experience with docbook2X, but you should be able to
run in Cygwin under Windows. I'm using Cygwin sucessfuly for many
Linux-originated projects and applications.


  Jirka Kosek                        

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