/ Dave Pawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| The former because it is the question (as a apposed to the wrapper for same)

Yeah, it's difficult to imagine an example being the question, but...

| and I use the first child of answer for the 'respondant',

This is clear evidence that we need meta here.

| I used to expand on the slimline question with other stuff,
| but gave up since I could only (css wise) highlight the question
| in its entirety, including children, when really I just wanted
| to 'highlight' the actual question.

Someone want to file a feature request for $para.propagates.style? I suppose
<para role="foo"> might reasonably become <p class="foo">.

| Just my 0.02Eu worth.

The UK is giving up the pound? :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | Some people tell you you should
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | not drink claret after
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | strawberries. They are
                                   | wrong.--William Maginn

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