/ Dave Pawson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| At 16:16 28/11/2001 -0600, Matthew Braun wrote:
| >Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| > >Please beat on it and report problems.
| >
| >Although the following document formats successfully with FOP 0.20.1
| >and the stylesheets for 1.44, 1.45-experimental and 1.46-experimental,
| >it fails with the 1.47-experimental version.  I suppose this could be a
| >FOP bug (I haven't grabbed 20.2 yet...)
| Looks like Norm has moved to the new xsl-fo rec with this release.
| I don't think fop has just yet.

Right. I should have added an explicit warning to that effect. I'll
hack up a stylesheet to convert "proper" FO documents back to what FOP

I asked the FOP guys when they might get around to updating FOP to
reflect this aspect of the Recommendation and they said probably not
for a "a few months". That's too long. Now that Sebastian and RenderX
are both conformant, I'll get more bug reports if I don't change than
if I do.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | The main difference between living
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | people and fictitious characters
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | is that the writer takes great
                                   | pains to give the characters
                                   | coherence and inner unity, whereas
                                   | living people may go to extremes
                                   | of incoherence because their
                                   | physical existence holds them
                                   | together.--Hugo Von Hofmannsthal

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