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Dmitry Tkatchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Hello,
> I am writing documentation for an Open Source software in Docbook XML.
> We had plain txt documentation previously and I have recently translated
> it to XML.
> We use CVS for development and I hope that someone would like to share
> his/her experiences of working with CVS and Docbook. I used to write
> some documentation for PHP and liked the way it is organized there.
> The point is that I want to edit XML files on CVS and then be able to
> convert them to HTML (and possibly PDF) under Linux. How can I do
> that? What software I need to install on CVS server to complete the
> task? I am a newbie actually and I would be grateful if you give me a
> detailed description of actions I have to take.
> Thank you very much in advance! Please let me know if this question
> does not apply to this list and tell me where I can send it.

As I've said last week, I've written something about our scripts to
interact with CVS here at Conectiva.

I'll be adding more details soon, but you can get the idea and scripts
from http://heilel.mine.nu:81/moin/moin.cgi/CvsAndDocBookValidation

(BTW, these are all free to use, just notify me if you do some
optimization ;o))

I hope it helps.

See you,
- -- 

Solutions Developer       - Conectiva Inc. - http://en.conectiva.com
Desenvolvedor de Soluções - Conectiva S.A. - http://www.conectiva.com.br
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