/ Jirka Kosek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| Jeff Iezzi wrote:
>> Can anyone tell me how to turn off the automatic labelling of
>> chapters when using the JavaHelp style sheet? I want the chapter
>> names to appear without the "Chapter #." label.
| You must customize localization. This was discussed several times
| already for HTML Help and HTML output. It is same for Java Help. Search
| the archive of this list.

A better solution is in the works. In the next release, turning off
chapter.autolabel will also turn off the prefix text.

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | In a universe of electrons and
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | selfish genes, blind physical
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | forces and genetic replication,
                                   | some people are going to get hurt,
                                   | other people are going to get
                                   | lucky, and you won't find any
                                   | rhyme or reason in it, nor any
                                   | justice.--Richard Dawkins

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