
>If you want the benefits of DocBook with as little hassle as possible, then 
>get a good, DTD-aware XML editor.  My suggestion is then to download the 
>HTML copy of _DocBook: The Definitive Guide_ (get it from, and 
>keep it open in a browser.  In my opinion, working that way is actually 
>*easier* than clicking through cryptic menus and dialog boxes of any of 
>these GUI-based word processors I've used.
Excellent suggestion, I have also used it this way.

>I work this way (though I use vi), even though I own a printed copy of TDG 
>(which was very useful for getting started & reading while away from the 
Besides, we should support authors willing to spend all that time 
creating references.  Norm did an outstanding job!

>DocBook is so thoroughly documented, in the reference section of TDG, that 
>99% of the time, it concisely provides *exactly* what you need to know.  I 
>claim that, working that way, a newbie can be 90% up the learning curve, in 
>an afternoon, so long as you already have all your tools setup properly.
I agree with you all the way, but that last sentence is a mouthful!
That is/was the hard part for me, I still don't have the tools set up
and ready... A package sure would make life sweeter!


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