Maggie Strevell wrote:

> Second:  I've been overriding the parameters that are simple, such as those
> specified in the documentation found at xsl\doc\html\index.html (params that
> the param.xsl refers to).  This time I need to specify something that isn't
> in that list.  Maybe the question should be: "How do I reference the
> ImageType parameter from a XSL driver file without having to override the
> entire template?"

Currently there is no other way than overriding whole template. You can
request this feature at

and I will add it into next version of stylesheets.
> Third: I'm open for more suggestions on where to find help on customizing
> stylesheets via a driver file.  Does an XSL driver file that produced the
> HTMLHelp for docbook exist?  If it's on the CD, I will keep looking.

I think that used DSSSL stylesheet for CD production. This HTML Help
DSSSL was not released in public domain, it was part of Epic editor from


  Jirka Kosek                        

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