Michael Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote

smith> >  You can use Japanized FOP (http://jpfop.sourceforge.net/index.html).
smith> > 
smith> >  By the way, OpenJade (for DocBook/SGML) and xsltproc (for DocBook/XML)
smith> >  can work properly for Japanese documents (I am actually using them).
smith> Sato-san: How about for Passivetext? I don't have it set up for
smith> working with Japanese yet. Do you know what's needed? I think it
smith> should be possible to get Japanese output from FO through Passivetext
smith> and then Japan-localized dvips/dvipdf?

 Do you mean xmltex and PassiveTeX?  Sorry I have not use them for
 Japanese documents yet, but will try them.  Theoretically they can
 be used, I think.

 When using a TeX-based processor for Japanese documents, font-related
 things often come into question.  Perhaps, in the case it may be
 a problem, too.

| Hiroki Sato  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
|              <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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