Jochen Hein wrote:
> >>>>> "Jirka" == Jirka Kosek <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>  Jirka> There is onechunk.xsl stylesheets, which is based on chuning
>  Jirka> code but produces just one HTML file.
> That reminds me that we might need some documentation what stylesheets
> are really part of Norms work, what they really do and (for some
> cases) how to use them.  Using autoidx, chunking (which kinds) comes
> to my mind.  I was looking into indexing and got confused about what
> Style to use for HTML...

Now there are only two stylsheets for HTML: docbook.xsl and chunk.xsl.
Autoindexing is now integral part of both of them, there is no need to
use separate autoidx.xsl as in older releases. onechunk.xsl is just
abnormality which was added upon request for some user, and it looks
like that this stylesheets is broken now.

To sum it up (and for DaveP who may be willing to put this into FAQ):

Output format:  stylesheet to use

Single HTML:    html/docbook.xsl
Chunked HTML:   html/chunk.xsl
Single XHTML:   xhtml/docbook.xsl
Chunked XHTML:  xhtml/chunk.xsl
FO:             fo/docbook.xsl
HTML Help:      htmlhelp/htmlhelp.xsl
Java Help:      javahelp/javahelp.xsl

These files are main entry points of DocBook XSL stylesheets. Normal
user doesn't need to directly call any other stylesheet. I hope that I
listed all top-level stylesheets. HTH.


  Jirka Kosek                        

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