Daniel Veillard wrote:

> > MSXML is probably fastest XSLT implementation around (not completely
> > true System.Xml.Transform in .Net is even faster) and I would like to
>   Can I challenge this claim ? I'm in a mood for a fight.

Of course you can, but for safety and to prevent flame-wars I used word
"probably". ;-)

I personally appreciate your xsltproc, but on my DocBook documents it is
~ 50% slower than MSXML4. I'm not using latest version of xsltproc with
new XPath optimizations, my current version is

Using libxml 20413, libxslt 10010 and libexslt 10010
xsltproc was compiled against libxml 20413, libxslt 10010 and libexslt
libxslt 10010 was compiled against libxml 20413
libexslt 10010 was compiled against libxml 20413

If new version of xsltproc beats MSXML, then there are my

OTOH to be honest, I'm mostly using Saxon because I need DocBook XSL
specific extensions. Having them for xsltproc will be big benefit for me
and others because we can switch to xsltproc and also use its other
interesting features -- e.g. XInclude support.


  Jirka Kosek                        

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