This is for XSL - Joe is using DSSSL style sheets....

At 04:56 29/03/2002 -0500, Glass, Eric wrote:
>Add something like:
><xsl:strip-space elements="quote footnote"/>
>to the stylesheet.  Similarly, if you want to strip space as a default with
>specified exceptions you could say something like:
><xsl:strip-space elements="*"/>
><xsl:preserve-space elements="para"/>
>These are top-level elements (children of xsl:stylesheet) -- I'm not yet
>that familiar with the layout of the stylesheets, so I'm not sure where it
>would be most appropriate to add this.  Anyone have a suggestion?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Josef Karthauser [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2002 8:20 PM
>Subject: DOCBOOK-APPS: How to remove surplus spaces.
>Is there an easy way to remove surplus spaces in things like:
>     <quote> something </quote>?
>I'd like to have the stylesheet automatically remove the leading and
>trailing white space.
>Also in cases like:
>    some text <footnote> .... </footnote>
>I'd like to have all the white space before the opening <footnote>
>gobbled up.
>I'm using openjade and the DSSSL stylesheets.

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