>>>>> Ian Castle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> PNG is a bit mapped format. A pixel in the image corresponds to a
> pixel on the screen when displayed. This means that an image at
> 640x480 will be physically larger than the same image at 1024x768
> (i.e. will take up more of the page width).

> PDF attempts to be device independent - so scales the image
> according to what it thinks the density should be. Ths means that
> with PDF the image will always be the same size - however, the
> quality will be a bit strange.

Actually, I was successful in scaling the images today.

        <inlinegraphic fileref="images/rh72_press_enter.png"
          format="PNG" scalefit="1" depth="5cm"/>

does more, or less the right thing for me in PNG.  The "5cm" was just
an arbitrary value, and will be adjusted to whatever makes the best
print quality on 300dpi lasers.

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