Platform: Intel PIII, debian testing, Blackdown Java SDK 1.3.1,
          Saxon 6.4.4, DocBook XML 4.1.2, DocBook-XSL 1.48,

I have an <informaltable> with two columns.  The left cell in each row
contains a fragment from a configuration file in a <programlisting>

My problem is that in the formatted PDF, some of the left cells'
content is so long that it is writing into the right cell.

I tried replacing <programlisting> with <computeroutput>, but the
results weren't good.  Long cells were broken into multiple lines, but
the linebreak wasn't done on spaces, with the rest of the text left
justified.  Instead the line breaks were done in the middle of words,
with the intervening space being stretched to fill the cell.

I've tried putting in a 
        <colspec colnum="1" colwidth="85%"/>
at the start of the <tgroup>, but that didn't seem to have any

Does anyone have a solution?


- Steinar

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