
I am not familiar with this version. However. allthough, an emacs geek 
myself, I have for a couple of weeks, experimented with jEdit 
( With the XML plugin installed, you will have a 
very nice DocBook aware editor (actually any XML format, for which you have a DTD)



On Thu, 25 Apr 2002, Sumit Dhar wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I have just downloaded and started using a free XML docbook editor:
> XMLmind. 
> Has anyone on this list tried it out? I would like to hear from the
> members how it compares with other commercial offerings?
> So far, the little I have used of it, it seems pretty OK. Anyone on this
> list have any opinion/advice regarding this editor?
> With Warm Regards,
> <a href=>Sumit Dhar</a>
> Manager,
> Research and Product Development,
> -- 
> If I had a dollar for everytime my linux box crashed, I would have, 
> hold a minute...,  exactly $3.68.
> pub  1024D/7AB2D05A 2002-02-24 Sumit Dhar (Sumit Dhar, 
> Key fingerprint = 4A18 D20D 3D15 6C5B CD2F  8E45 B903 0C29 7AB2 D05A

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