/ Dennis Grace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> was heard to say:
| Okay, all of this information about the refname is fascinating, but I'm
| still confused by the problem with onechunk.xsl.
| Norm put a fix in CVS for the bug I reported, thinking the problem was in
| DocBook. That fix adds the line
|       <xsl:param name="onechunk" select="1"/>
| to onechunk.xsl. I installed the fix, but I still get the same errors.

Send me a test document, please.

| Apparently, I cannot use chapters in books or appendices in articles. I
| have no refnames with spaces in either of these cases. The filename is
| supposed to by taken from the root id, and that contains no spaces or odd
| characters. I still keep getting the error that "chapter is not a chunk!"
| or "appendix is not a chunk!" as well as the runtime error pointing to line
| 79 in chunker.xsl. This is the template from chunker that contains the
| offending line:
|     <xsl:when test="element-available('exsl:document')">
|        <exsl:document href="{$filename}"
|                       method="{$method}"
|                       encoding="{$encoding}"
|  79-->                indent="{$indent}">

That's a little bizarre.

|  Now, am I just misreading the exslt page, or is it noteworthy that this
|  particular type of exsl expression is the one listed on
|  http://exslt.org/exsl/exsl.html as "not considered stable" and "not part
|  of the core of EXSLT-Common"? If this is the source of trouble, is there
|  an available alternative to exslt?

As of a few days ago, you'll wind up using the Saxon document extension to work
around, ahem, bugs in Daniel's implementation of exsl:document.

|  Is there any way to make this work?

I thought I made it work. I'll try again :-/

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      | A man may fulfill the object of
http://www.oasis-open.org/docbook/ | his existence by asking a question
Chair, DocBook Technical Committee | he cannot answer, and attempting a
                                   | task he cannot achieve.--Oliver
                                   | Wendell Holmes

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