>>>>> "D" == Dave Brooks <Dave> writes:

    D> However, why does it take almost a minute to start emacs and
    D> load all of its initialisation code? Are there any debugging or
    D> profiling options I can enable to see where the time is going?

That's /way/ too long, even for Windows.  Some thoughts:

Emacs is sometimes affectionately defined as "Eight megs and constant
swapping" -- do you have enough memory to run Emacs?  Use your windows
memory profiling thingy to see if perhaps it isn't running out of
space ... it's worth the expense to add RAM.  Trust me on that.

I don't know Windows.  If you can run emacs from the RUN button, try
running it with --no-init as a run flag; this loads Emacs alone
without loading any of the library files.  Emacs itself is mostly just
an engine, and your distro may have added all sorts of unnecessary
things to the config script (.emacs in unix, don't know what it's
called in windows).  If it loads fast with --no-init (assuming this
flag works in windows) then you need to learn how to trim down your
config file.

If you have XEmacs, be aware that it does some sort of DNS lookup when
it starts; XEmacs "phones home" every time it is launched and if you
are on a dialup connection, it will wait for a connection before it
comes up, and if you are off-line it will wait until the DNS request
times out.  Very very annoying and I wish I knew how to turn it off.

If it is _still_ slow, you're on your own :)

Gary Lawrence Murphy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> TeleDynamics Communications Inc
Business Innovations Through Open Source Systems: http://www.teledyn.com
"Computers are useless.  They can only give you answers."(Pablo Picasso)

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